Introduction - Welcome to My Blog!

Now that the blogging phenomenon has caught up to me, I'll use this site to post the things that I write so that select individuals such as yourself can view them and comment.
I've been writing for a solid ten years or so and the subject matter spans from humorous short stories to poems, song lyrics to a weekly newspaper column.
I'll begin with some stories I wrote about a friend of mine named Jack. There are about seven or eight short stories in this collection that I've dubbed, 'The Psycho Jack Series' and they are largely true misadventures. I save the embellishments for my poems and song lyrics.
Go ahead and tell me what you think. I'd like to improve my writing skills and you won't hurt my feelings. Oh hell, of course you'll hurt my feelings, but there isn't much I can do about that is there? Be gentle...OH..and Happy Halloween!